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Premier Institute IIT-JEE Main & Advance/Medical/School & Board Exams

Disha Talent Scholarship Test is open ! Register for the Scholarship Test by calling us on +91-7290016768

JEE Advanced Super Ranker's Program


This is a power packed program of 180 Hrs Classroom teaching and 60 hrs test. The program mentors are IITian with vast experience of IIT-JEE, who in past have produced AIR such as 036, 055, 128, 146, 153 ….etc. The classroom session and assessments will cover each micro and the most complicated concepts. After the completion of the course you will be filled with the confidence of tackling any toughest kind of questions relevant for JEE Advanced.

  • Call at +91-7290016768/69/70
  • or 01127221300 ,01142283187
  • Total fee: Rs 30000 + GST